I am excited to give you full details of my FREE 1 day Parent’s Guide to Children’s Behaviour course held in Stafford, funded by the Millennium Awards Scheme.
The course is suitable for all parents with children 0-16 years from those who want to learn how to transform their children’s behaviour to those who would simply like to understand more about how they can help their children to grow up happy, confident and successful and reach their full potential.
The course is full of practical, easy, effective, proven, positive strategies that will bring out the best in any child, so please contact me as soon as possible to book your FREE place to avoid disappointment. Please note this is a onetime only free offer.
What is the course all about?
The course is in 4 parts, which is all provided for you in the course manual. Once you have completed the 1 day course you will be ready to implement the strategies into your home life and you will receive priority email support from myself for 4 weeks so that I am always at hand should you want to contact me with your questions.
Part 1
Find out exactly why children behave the way that they do, this is fascinating and you are likely to be left thinking, why didn't someone ever mention this before? You will gain insight into how you as a parent affect your child's behaviour so that you can focus on doing things that will give you the results that you want.
Part 2
You will consider how nurturing your child's spirit, helps them to feel more positive about themselves. It also shows you why this is vital because your children will ultimately become what they feel about themselves.
Part 3
You will get down to the business of handling your child's unwanted behaviour. You will learn about the different types of behaviour and the very best way to handle them. You will make a detailed plan of action using, positive assertive consequences that are appropriate for your child's age and stage of development and behaviour, so that you can be successful consistent and confident in your approach to your child's misbehaviour.
Part 4
You will look at how you can live as a family happily ever after. You will look at the big picture of family life, which is essential because your general wellbeing directly affects the way that you behave which in turn affects your child's behaviour.
Free Bonuses;
- 4 weeks priority email support from me.
-The course manual
-Access to my Transform your child's behaviour video series
-Free audios on how to listen and talk to your child
-My special report on Bullying
The Holiday Inn Express
Off M6- Junction 13
Acton Court
Acton Gate
Saturday 21st May
Book your place now;
Please contact me to book your place as soon as possible;
Email; childbehaviour@aol.com
Phone Ruth; 07929047110
Looking forward to seeing you there
Thanks for taking the time to Share this.Most of the kids are entrapped by the major child behavior problems like abnormal behavior, negative attitude, children behavior disorders which are regarded as to be harmful for their growth and development.find all information about child behavior on child-behaviorproblems.